
The Detox Essentials



All you need to detoxify on a deep cellular level for health and regeneration up to 10 days whilst you are undergoing a detox cleansing program. This pack includes:

💜 Naturopathically handcrafted organic NUTRIENTS detoxifying superpowder  with organic barley grass, vitamin C, digestive enzmes and L-glutamine to alkalise and oxygenate the blood.

💜 CLEANSE detoxifying superpowder – with organic food grade Bentonite clay, Diatomaceous Earth and crystalline Zeolite to pull the toxins out of the blood and tissues like a magnet and absorb into your large intestine for you to remove with bowel cleansing techniques.

💜 ALKALISE mineralising superpowder with himalayan salt, food grade bicarbonate soda, magnesium and pottasium citrate –  assists in  buffering your PH levels each morning from acidic to alkaline. This allows the toxic load to flow from your liver to your large intestine for elimination rather than the acid recirculating into the body, also know as autointoxiction.

💜 Also included in this pack is our FLOW  super fibre blend to loosen any debris or mucus plaque off the large intestine whilst detoxifying.

⭐️Please note these detox supplements are best to be used whilst undergoing a therapeutic detox program with either colon hydrotherapy or enemas as the clay can get dislodged in the large intestine if there is no bowel purging. Not recommended in pregnancy or with nursing mothers.


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