

Transformational Healing Retreats

The White Lotus symbolises purity and divine wisdom and it is believed to promote harmony, inner peace and enlightenment. At White Lotus Cleansing, our transformational healing detox retreats are designed to improve your overall health and mental clarity ensuring that your physical, mental and spiritual energies are rebalanced for inner peace and harmony.

The essence of these retreats is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level within the system, to achieve mental and physical purity and harmony with the spirit.

To support a complete transformational healing experience, guests to our programs have access to professional holistic experts including specialist Naturopaths and integrative holistic General Practitioners, Colon Hydrotherapists, divine Massage healers, Byron’s finest yoga teachers and blissful sound meditation vibrations.

Our unique health programs incorporate the use of cutting-edge quantum healing frequency devices and Bodihealth Electrogenesis therapy to rebalance the positive and negative polarities of the body and work with Energy medicine, and Far infrared sauna to detoxify the system on a deep cellular level.

White Lotus Cleansing also facilitates the only detox program in Australia that offers a Naturopathically monitored Alkaline Water Fasting Retreat. Guests can experience the powerful benefits of ‘pure fasting’ with an Eastern and Western approach to holistic healing for 7 days as personally taught by the bestselling authors of The Tao of Detox, Daniel and Snow Reid.

We run our popular 7 day group retreat monthly, as well as personalised 5, 7, 10, 14 or 21 day detox programs tailored to suit your needs with 5 main health and detox programs all with a foundational juice or water fast as its central focus.

Our popular signature detox healing programs include:


    Upcoming 2025 Retreat Dates:

     All  of our 5 different programs target different specific physical and emotional needs that will assist rebalancing and replenishing of the nervous and immune system and bring clarity and balance back to the mind and body.
    Any of the programs can be chosen and incorporated into a 7 day group retreat, or they can be tailored specific to your needs into a personalised program outside of our group retreat dates.
    Due to the past five years of Covid and the widespread damage and disaster to our community from the 2022 floods in February and March 2022 we are now working with smaller groups of guests per retreat and have relocated our healing programs to a new beautiful venue for the remainder 2024. 

    All images portrayed throughout this website are from several locations used the past 5 years. For specific venue location and dates please visit your booking email information.

    This is the only unique program of its kind focusing on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your health and wellbeing. It is facilitated by one of the pioneer detox Naturopaths in Byron Bay with over 20 years experience in the Spa and Wellness industry with all Naturopathic consultations and program management conducted by her personally.

    Keep up to date with all our upcoming retreat dates and news on @whitelotuscleansing


    9-13 December 2024


    24-28 February, 2025


    29 June-4 July,  2025


    25 - 29 November,  2025


    13-18 January 2025


    5-10 May 2025


    15-20 September, 2025


    9- 13 December, 2025

    Retreats Available

    5 Day Detox and Regeneration Juice Cleanse


    Organic cold pressed vegetable juice can build your health and energise every cell in your body. Fresh juice provides an excellent way for us to absorb vitamins and minerals as it releases these nutrients in a highly absorbable form and is loaded with antioxidants that bind to toxins and carry them out of the body so they don’t damage your cells.  It offers a gentle way to begin detoxifying your system whilst giving your digestive system a beautiful rest so that energy can be diverted elsewhere for self healing, repair and regeneration. The nutrients found in fresh juice build your immune system, help prevent disease, assists with many  health conditions and rebalances your nervous system.


    Four nights premium accommodation in our Byron Bay healing sanctuary with private queen room and private ensuite

    Daily organic cold pressed vegetable juices, organic herbal teas and elixirs, electrolyte mineral broths, alkalised, ionised, micro clustered water, and post cleanse organic healing cuisine on the final day

    You will be introduced to powerful traditional purifying and healing rituals of chi gung and yoga that bring your sense of peace and bliss back into natural alignment

    1 self-directed  2 litre coffee enema session daily that removes the mucus plaque lining and years of hardened matter, parasites and intestinal polyps

     1 Comprehensive Naturopathic consultation given throughout the week, with a full Naturopathic report to take home

     1 hour healing massage, prayer vision board, welcome cleansing gifts, and a purification sound healing  ceremony meditation

    Magnum ice baths

    Lectures and discussions on detoxification, nutrional medicine and breaking the fast

    Healy frequency sessions that rebalances the positive and negative polarity within the body, engaging the soul on an energy medicine shift, and detoxifying on a deep cellular level

    Specialised Lotus detox supplements to assist in greater removal of built up toxins and remove the mucoid plaque lining, with intensive parasite and heavy metal cleanse and quartz charged healing mists for protection

    Daily monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and urinalysis when necessary

    3 far infrared sauna sessions, 3 amethyst crystal far infra red sauna biomat and bioacoustic sound bed meditation sessions

    5 Days Individual $5480 Couple $4480 per person

    7 Days Individual $6480 Couple $4890 per person

    Prices are inclusive of 10% GST

    *  Please note that additional  healing treatments such as kahuna bodywork, acupuncture and Neuroenergetic kinesiology can be included into your program for an additional cost depending on the depth of detoxification you would like to achieve. We also have an extensive additional healing menu and have a wholistic GP that assists in managing complex cases or for consultation if required.

    Your accommodations options will be emailed to you with your booking information.


    Fertility and Preconception care

    Discovering you are unable to conceive is a dreadful shock to the system, in many cases just as devastating as losing a loved one. The usual advice is ‘Have a holiday’ or ‘Go to IVF’. There is another way! If there is one area of our lives where the naturopathic approach is appropriate, it is surely that of fertility. After all, Mother Nature IS fertility!  She is reproduction.

    This program is designed to assist women in optimising their health, rebalancing the hormones and conceiving, happy, healthy and vibrant children. This program has been successful in achieving conception for many women that are deemed medically infertile, have had repeated miscarriages or have undergone numerous IVF cycles.


    Four nights premium accommodation in our Byron Bay healing sanctuary with private king room and private ensuite 

    Daily organic cold pressed vegetable juices, organic herbal teas and elixirs, electrolyte mineral broths, alkalised, ionised, micro clustered water, and post cleanse organic healing cuisine on the final day of your retreat

    You will be introduced to powerful traditional purifying healing rituals of chi gung and yoga that bring your sense of peace and bliss back into natural alignment

    2 self-directed  2 litre coffee enema sessions daily that removes the mucus plaque lining and years of hardened matter, parasites and intestinal polyps

    1 Comprehensive Naturopathic consultation given throughout the week with all fertility screening examinations and pathological testing investigations prescribed and a full Naturopathic three month preconception care report to take home

    1 hour healing massage or spiritual counselling session,  prayer vision board, cleansing gift bag, and a purification sound healing welcome ceremony meditation

    6 magnum detox foot spabaths

    Discussions on womens health, fertility, three month preconception care plan and how to track your ovulation and most fertile window with the most up to date detoxification, nutritional medicine and breaking the fast information

    6 BodiHealth electroregenesis regenesis and Healy frequency sessions that rebalances the positive and negative polarity within the body, engaging the soul on an energy medicine shift, and detoxifying on a deep cellular level

    Specialised Lotus detox supplements to assist in greater removal of built up toxins and remove the mucoid plaque lining, with intensive parasite and heavy metal cleanse and a quartz charged healing mist for protection 

    Daily monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and urinalysis when necessary 

    3 far infrared sauna sessions, 3 amethyst crystal far infra red sauna biomat and bioacoustic sound meditation sessions


    5 Days Individual $5480    Couple $4480 per person

    7 Days Individual $6480    Couple $5480 per person

     Prices are inclusive of 10% GST

    *Please note that additional  healing treatments such as kahuna bodywork, acupuncture and Neuroenergetic kinesiology can be included into your program for an additional cost depending on the depth of detoxification you would like to achieve. We also have an extensive additional healing menu and have a wholistic GP that assists in managing complex cases or for consultation if required.

    3 Day Illuminate water fast retreat

     2025 Dates:

    11-14 February

    4-7 March

    20-23 May

    17-19 June

     Join us for three life transforming days in a ceremonial detox and yoga immersion specifically designed to enable an ease of grace in purifying and enlightening the spirit in stillness and harmony with a supervised Naturopathic fast. Let go of what no longer serves you so that you can create space to bring in the new.

    Do you know what it is to feel truly wonderful?


    3 night private queen room with private bathroom

    You will be introduced to powerful traditional purifying healing rituals of  yoga and pranayama that bring your sense of peace and bliss back into natural alignment

     Breath work ceremony, Magnesium mineral pool, daily saunas and heat and ice contrast bathing with medicinal healing waters

    Alkalised, ionised, micro clustered hydrogen water, electrolyte mineral broths, alkalised, ionised, micro clustered water

    Lectures and discussions on detoxification and breaking the fast 

    Specialised Lotus detox supplements to assist in greater removal of built up toxins and remove the mucoid plaque lining,  and heavy metal cleanse 

    Daily monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and urinalysis when necessary 

    Daily amethyst crystal far infra red sauna biomat and bioacoustic sound meditation sessions

    Purificati closing ceremony sound healing meditation

    3 Days Individual $3480

    Couples $1980 per person

    Daily  program with no accommodation 930-6pm  $1480 

    Prices are inclusive of 10% GST

    Spaces are limited. Bookings are essential. We can also assist with accommodation options to suit your budget and needs if required.  


    Tao of Detox Alkaline Water Fast

    Experience the unique benefits of a world famous Integrated Detox and Rejuvenation program, as personally taught by Daniel and Snow Reid, best selling authors of the Tao of Detox and the Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity.

    This comprehensive seven day retreat focuses on stimulating all of the detox pathways in order to regain homeostasis within the delicate microcosmic temple of the human body. This integrated approach to human health, blends the “Best of the East and West.”

    This unique detox retreat is a complete fast with pure alkaline water.


    Five nights premium accommodation in our Byron Bay healing sanctuary with private king room and private ensuite 

    Daily alkaline, ionised, micros clustered water, lightly steeped infusions of the finest grade High Mountain Oolong tea from Taiwan allowing the body to totally and completely detoxify, electrolyte and post cleanse organic healing cuisine, probiotics and coconut water

    You will be introduced to powerful traditional purifying healing rituals of chi gung and yoga that bring your sense of peace and bliss back into natural alignment

    1 self-directed  2 litre coffee enema session daily that removes the mucus plaque lining and years of hardened matter, parasites and intestinal polyps

    1 Comprehensive Naturopathic consultation given throughout the week, with a full Naturopathic report to take home 

    1 hour healing massage, prayer vision board, welcome cleansing gifts, and a purification sound healing welcome ceremony meditation

     Magnum ice baths

    Lectures and discussions on detoxification, nutrional medicine and breaking the fast 

    Healy frequency sessions that rebalances the positive and negative polarity within the body, engaging the soul on an energy medicine shift, and detoxifying on a deep cellular level

    Specialised Lotus detox supplements to assist in greater removal of built up toxins and remove the mucoid plaque lining, with intensive parasite and heavy metal cleanse, and a quartz charged healing mist for protection 

    Daily monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and urinalysis when necessary 

    3 far infrared sauna sessions, 3 amethyst crystal far infra red sauna biomat and bioacoustic sound bed meditation sessions



    5 Days Individual $5480         Couple $4890 per person

    Prices are inclusive of 10% GST

       *  Please note that additional  healing treatments such as kahuna bodywork, acupuncture and Neuroenergetic kinesiology can be included into your program for an additional cost depending on the depth of detoxification you would like to achieve. We also have an extensive additional healing menu and have a wholistic GP that assists in managing complex cases or for consultation if required.

    Your accommodations options will be emailed to you with your booking information.


    Cancer Support therapy 

    Cancer is the last great medical mystery. For as long as humans have existed, it has created a great shadow of fear. Cancer is not a foreign invader, in fact it is an uprising of our own healthy cells. The frightening truth is the seed of cancer exists within all of us but we do have more control over our fate than previously understood. We all have the power to influence the soil in which it can flourish and take root.


    Six nights premium accommodation in our Byron Bay healing sanctuary with private king room and private ensuite

    Daily organic cold pressed vegetable juices, organic herbal teas and elixirs, electrolyte mineral broths, alkalised, ionised, micro clustered water, and post cleanse organic healing cuisine on the final day of your retreat

    You will be introduced to powerful traditional purifying healing rituals ofchi gung and yoga that bring your sense of peace and bliss back into natural alignment

    2 self-directed  2 litre coffee enema sessions daily that removes the mucus plaque lining and years of hardened matter, parasites and intestinal polyps

    1 Comprehensive Naturopathic consultation given throughout the week with a full Naturopathic report to take home

    1 hour healing massage,  1 hour acupuncture session, prayer vision board, cleansing gift bag, and a purification sound healing welcome ceremony meditation

     Magnum ice baths

    Specialised Lotus detox supplements to assist in greater removal of built up toxins and remove the mucoid plaque lining, immuntonic and antitumor herbs and elixirs, intensive parasite and heavy metal cleanse and a quartz charged healing mist for protection 

    Lectures and discussions on detoxification, nutrional medicine and breaking the fast. We also introduce a new understanding of cancer that focuses not on genetics but on environmental risk factors 

    Healy frequency sessions that rebalances the positive and negative polarity within the body, engaging the soul on an energy medicine shift, and detoxifying on a deep cellular level

    Daily monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels and urinalysis when necessary 

    3 far infrared sauna sessions, 3 amethyst crystal far infra red sauna biomat and bioacoustic sound bed meditation sessions

    7 Days Individual $7480     Couple $5890 per person

    10 Days Individual $10480 Couple $8890 per person

    Prices are inclusive of 10% GST

       *  Please note that additional  healing treatments such as kahuna bodywork, acupuncture and Neuroenergetic kinesiology can be included into your program for an additional cost depending on the depth of detoxification you would like to achieve. We also have an extensive additional healing menu and have a wholistic GP that assists in managing complex cases or for consultation if required.

    Your accommodations options will be emailed to you with your booking information.


    Results may vary from person to person

    Love notes from retreat

    What They Say

    “You could call me a retreat junkie, as I take myself away every year for a detoxm or retreat. I’ve been to 6 retreats now across Thailand, Bali, and Australia, and I would say hands down Sarah at White Lotus is by far best I’ve experienced. Its not just about the body, there is so much transformation potential for the mind and soul if you want to heal in those areas too. I’ve done a personalised water fast with Sarah twice now and had phenomenal results both times. My hormonal imbalances and Hashimoto symptoms have completely disappeared including headaches, brain fog, weigh gain, skin issues and inflammation. Daily Quigong/Yoga, colonics, sauna, magnesium baths keep you focused and nourished while your body detoxes, and then comes the feeling of clarity, thriving and feeling so high on life. Sarah is the ultimate host and healer, she thinks of everything from the gorgeous welcome pack you arrive to, to the vast library of books she offers to read. She always gives the best hugs on the days you most need it! If I’m after results, in a safe, supervised and nurturing space, I choose White Lotus Cleansing. I feel amaaaaazing!”

    Nic McClure

    ‘Thank you Sarah, Nikki and Team! I arrived at White Lotus Retreat, not really having any expectations, but in desperate need of a physical, mental and spiritual reset. I was exhausted on all levels, stressed out and completely burnt out. What an amazing week I had. I had originally booked in for a 6 day juice cleanse, but after my initial Naturopathic consultation with Sarah, and feeling in the best of hands, I decided to do the water detox. I am so glad I did. I learnt how intelligent our bodies are when we treat them with respect and give them the best platform to do what they are designed to do….heal and support us. After years of being a chronic insomniac, I am sleeping better than I have in years. I am now back in my (still very busy) day to day life post detox, and I am navigating my way through the hectic schedule with clarity, calmness and control that I have not experienced for many, many years (if ever). Sarah’s knowledge seems unlimited, she walks the talk, has an amazing ability to put you at ease, and make you feel completely supported throughout the entire program, along with excellent post retreat follow up. The White Lotus Retreat is something I will gift to myself every year from this point on. I am not the only benefactor…my children, partner, friends and family have all noticed a much calmer, vibrant me, and life just seems so much more full and wonderful. Thank you Sarah and team for providing me with the reset I desperately needed. We are so lucky to have this facility (the only one in Australia). A life changing experience.’

    Trudie Cox

    ‘My 21 day water fasting experience at White Lotus Cleansing Clinic was life changing! I signed up for ongoing chronic health reasons and I can’t tell you how happy I am that I did. It felt like a last resort after years of seeing so many doctors & health professionals, undergoing endless tests and taking ridiculous amounts of supplements. I was relieved when Sarah told me we didn’t need a diagnosis because fasting can help with pretty much all health conditions. And it has! By day 4 my head was clear of the brain fog I’d been tolerating for years. I breezed through my last period with very little discomfort and it was lighter than I’ve experienced since being diagnosed with endometriosis in my teens. My skin is clear and the whites of my eyes are super white. My hay fever has settled and I’ve stopped taking antihistamines which I previously took twice a day to control allergies. I’ve even stopped taking my thyroid medication for hypothyroidism. It’s early days but I don’t think I’ll be needing them again. I’ll be monitoring this with my doctor. There was also a huge bonus that I didn’t expect – a wonderful spiritual experience. I had lots of time for self reflection, yoga, meditation and stillness. I know this is just the beginning of a whole new way of living. I’m calm and at peace. I feel amazing! Thank you Sarah’

    Joanne Carbone

    I have been to Sarah’s detox retreat for 3 years in a row. Every year has been the most wonderful, rewarding, experience which has led to real change, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. The combination of treatments which include juice fasting and supplements, colonic therapy, restorative yoga, magnesium baths and massage genuinely cleanse my body and mind. My joints become more flexible and less inflamed, reducing or removing pain, stomach bloating disappears and my sinuses clear completely. In addition, my mind and nervous system begin to run at a calmer pace and sleep improves. At the end of the retreat my body and mind have reset, so that I can walk away feeling clear headed, energised, and with a renewed strength to manage the year ahead.’

    Nicola Jackman

    The biggest gift anyone can give themselves for a reset and refresh is to place yourself in the trusted hands of Sarah Foley and her team. Each retreat my mind clears and has the space to become creative, my body is lighter and is excited to keep up the healthy habits it craves. Thank you Sarah… looking forward to next time.

    Georgie Demaine

    Sarah is one of the most beautiful, kind and caring people I’ve ever met. I first came to Sarah’s retreats back in 2015 with so many issues! I had fertility problems, a shocking immune system, and what felt like endless digestive issues. As a nurse of many years the first thing I tried was western medicine, it didn’t take long to realise they couldn’t help me. Now 5 years later I cant remember the last time I had digestive problems, I fell pregnant naturally and gave birth a beautiful little boy. Every retreat I attend I feel like I I’m peeling back layers that reveal an even healthier version of myself, I’m hooked for life! Words will never be able to express my gratitude to White Lotus Cleansing Retreat and I would recommend them in a heartbeat!!

    Karly Campbell

    You’re invited

    to a healing retreat for regeneration, replenishment and alignment